
La Bégude de Mazenc

church of the bégude de Mazenc

fountain of the bégude de mazenc15 km from Montélimar, 18 km from Grignan

Altitude : 210
Number of inhabitants : 1205

Before its destruction in 1320 it was a Templars’ fortified place. The stagecoaches used to stop here (its name means ‘place where you drink’). Châteauneuf-de-Mazenc : medieval village on a hill.

Provencal market: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Markets night in July and August.

tower of the bégude de mazenc lane of the bégude de mazenc bell-tower of the bégude de mazenc

Festivités : foire verte le 2ème dimanche de mai. Vide-grenier le 14 juillet. Fête communale et patronale le 1er week-end d'août. Festival d'orgues à Châteauneuf en août.